Latin Orchestral Music

A Comprehensive Online Catalog


Orchestral Music from
Latin America and the Caribbean

“ discover, preserve and disseminate the rich musical legacy of the Americas... ”

~ Caminos del Inka

An Online Catalog

Containing over 9,000 original orchestral works by over 1,700 composers from 24 countries and territories of Latin America and the Caribbean, this online catalog serves as a bridge between the music and the composers or publishers. Our catalog is a great resource for research, programming, study, and more.

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Accessible to

  • Conductors
  • Music Directors
  • Music Administrators
  • Librarians
  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Researchers
  • Music lovers in general

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Frequently Asked

In what language are titles listed in the catalog?

Generic words in titles (i.e. symphony, concerto, symphonic poem) have been translated into English, however, original work titles remain in their native language (i.e. “La madre de agua”).

Are works for ensemble or opera listed in the catalog?

Yes. At this time, the catalog concentrates on works that include full orchestra such as symphonies, operas, oratorios, concertos, etc; as well as works for chamber orchestra and large chamber ensemble (8+).

Can I search the catalog by instrumentation or size of ensemble?

We have designed the catalog to direct your search to particular composers and countries, and have provided score samples when available to allow you to explore further.

A work I was researching listed the score as not available. When will it be added?

We are constantly working to find scores or get permission from publishers. Please use the contact page to let us know of any specific scores for which you may be looking.

I came across a work that I could not find in the catalog, what should I do?

Please use the contact page to let us know and we will direct our attention to this matter.

Still have questions?

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